Choosing a Chiropractic School

How to choose a chiropractic school?

Choosing the correct chiropractic school for you may be stressful. There are so many things to consider. You need to figure out things like prerequisites, housing, financial aid, accreditation, and many other aspects. Trust me, I know. I was there once, but don’t worry because I’m going to break it down so you have a list of things that you should look for.


Every school has a list of prerequisites. Some establish certain courses you need to take. Others require recommendation letters or interviews. For some schools you can apply after 3 years of undergrad and finish your BS while being in the DC program. Make sure to check each school’s website before starting the application process.


As of 2022, there are 18 programs accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), who regulate licensure. This includes Canada, USA, and Puerto Rico. You want to make sure that their accreditation is in good standing. If your school is not accredited, you will not be able to get student loans or be licensed. They also ensure the quality of education by setting different standards that the schools must follow. Schools usually have an accreditation section on their website, but if you want more information click here.


Always ask what opportunities does the school offer. This includes institutional clubs, work-study, exchange programs, internships, mission trips, etc. Something else to explore is the possibility to do a MS in another field while doing your DC degree. This may include Sports Therapy, Nutrition, Psychology, etc.


When looking into a chiropractic school, you want to see what techniques they offer and the distribution of those courses. I knew that I wanted to work with children, so I made sure that my school offered the necessary courses and had seminars close so that I could learn as much as possible. Also ask about the cohort size. Some people need individualized attention, so you would want a school with a smaller faculty to student ratio. In that same line, check if the classes run in quarters, trimesters, or semesters. Usually, quarters and trimesters have a fast-paced program which means that you take more classes in a shorter period to graduate faster.


While there are student loans you can take to pay for school, you must do the research with regards to financial aspects. Remember that you will have to pay that money back with interests. Tuition alone can cost around $120,000- $150,000. Add to that the cost of living and personal expenses. Some schools offer work-study opportunities and/or scholarships. Check the financial aid section in every school to learn more about this.


Last, but certainly not least, take your lifestyle into consideration. Are you willing to move to a different state where you won’t be able to see your family often? What are your hobbies, and can you carry those into the school that you are considering? Trust me, things are going to be different once you start the program, but you want to make sure that wherever you are going is compatible with your lifestyle. The last thing you want to do is move to a place for 3-4 years and feel uncomfortable. This is your adventure and growth; you should be able to enjoy it!

 Questions to ask

What’s the philosophy of the school?

What techniques do they teach?

What living arrangements do the school offer?

What’s the quality and reputation of the professors?

What’s the passing rate for the National Boards?


Once you narrow down the list following these questions, go visit the schools and get a feeling of what the program looks like. Ask to current student or graduates about the schools’ strengths and areas for improvement. If you have any questions, follow us on Instagram ( and send me a message. I’m more than happy to help!

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